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Homemade Pimple Face Mask - One Smudge Away From the Pimple Free Skin You've Always Wanted

The homemade pimple face mask is a must have for anyone who suffers from pimples and wants to see the end of them. Pimples, as most of us know, are caused by the build up of substances within the pores of the skin.

The pores within the skin are a natural means of ventilation for the skin and they are also the skin's outlet for an oily substance known as 'sebum'. This sebum nourishes the skin and is indeed necessary for its optimal functioning. Sebum sometimes presents a problem, however, when it becomes the reason for the outbreak of pimples on the skin.

The pores of the skin become clogged by excessive sebum being produced and this leads to the accumulation of dirt and dead skin cells which are shed naturally by the skin everyday. This whole situation is what causes the formation of pimples on the skin. The ugly appearance of pimples on the visible areas of the skin such as the face, neck, and chest is a constant source of worry to people who have them.

Homemade pimple face masks are particularly great as they present a healthy and natural way to combat pimple outbreaks. Using natural ingredients, it is possible to get rid of even the worst case of pimples as these ingredients contain nutrients that naturally and effectively nourish and improve the health of the skin.

Natural skin remedies for pimples are also quite inexpensive to prepare when compared with their commercial varieties. It costs only a tiny fraction to get a healthy, less risky alternative to synthetic pimple remedies. These natural skin care recipes are also preferable as they present the opportunity to control the sort of substances we allow on our skin and reduce the risk of dangerous chemicals and their side effects.

The most popular and effective homemade pimple face masks contain crushed aspirin as this drug contains salicylic acid which has proven very effective in curing pimples. The commercial pimple treatments available also usually use salicylic acid, or either one of benzoyl sulphate or mandelic acid.

You actually do not need to be familiar with any of that medical terminology to prepare an effective and potent, homemade pimple treatment. Gently crushed aspirin tablets mixed with a small quantity of water (enough to form a thin paste), and applied over the face for about 15 minutes will get you steps close to great skin that's free of pimples.

Apart from the regular aspirin treatment, there are lots of natural, homemade remedies for healthy, pimple free skin. Some are simple and contain ingredients such as ground oatmeal and fruits while others use lots of exotic ingredients like honey, cinnamon, and so on.